We loaded everyone up and headed on down to the cabin to hopefully find some cooler weather... Oh it was a lovely 75 degrees down there. It was still a little to hot for me at night but I made it. The kids had so much fun hiking, playing in the old cabin down the hill, building forts, roasting marshmellows, putting on a music show for us but most of all playing with their cousins. It was so much fun to play cards with my mom, sister and dad. Kevin isn't much for games but we finally found one he liked and could beat me at. Aside from cute Katelyn not wanting to sleep AT ALL it was a very pleasant time. I got to hold Katelyn and rock her for a good hour in the wee hours of the morning and it took me back to when my kids were babies and you could just hold them and they would just stare at you. Oh how I miss those moments. I love going to the cabin and playing a mad game of nerts! I wish my older sister Angie and brother Russell could have been there with us. We spent so much time down there when we were growing up and now my kids get to build those memories to.

Putting on a show for us

Kevin and Kate waiting for marshmellows.....

The Kids roasting away.... a whole entire bag!

Kate just kept sneaking some

And me enjoying my perfectly roasted marshmellow
1 comment:
So glad you guys were able to get down there! I am trying to squeeze in a trip this summer.
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